Ballet Pecs Carmina Burana

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PreviousApril 2033


Carmina Burana is an unavoidable subject, a great task that is nevertheless a wonderful challenge in the career of a choreographer and one that sooner or later draws the creative artist to it. The majesty of the music inspires the choreographer to bear testimony to this self-destructive and mechanised world with an expression of concern for humankind and our common humanity. At the same time, it also celebrates the sanctity of life, glittering with the hope for a better future. Artistic director and director/choreographer Balázs Vincze coherently translates the storyline into the language of dance with a marvellous sense of proportion. It is the acting ability of the dancers of Ballet Pécs, along with their talent as performers, that makes each production of the company so unique and special. 

This production is a co-production of Pécsi Balett Nonprofit Kft. and Pécsi Nemzeti Színház Nonprofit Kft. and has been made possible with the support of the National Cultural Fund. 

The performance is recommended for those aged 14 and over.

Program and cast



Péter Koncz 


Katalin Ujvári 


Dávid Matola 


Karin Iwata 


Edina Frank
Réka Annamária Horváth
Rebeka Pintér
Reetta Riikonen
Nina Rónaki
Csongor Balogh
Kristóf Domján
Zsolt Molnár
José Blasco Pastor
Márton Szabó
Bence Szendrői
Szilárd Tuboly
Máté Varga
dance artists of Ballet Pécs 


Nikolett Bene, Natália Nagy and the students of the Pécs High School for the Arts 



Carl Orff 


Balázs Vincze, Teodóra Uhrik 

set design

Júlia Luca Erdős 


Katalin Fekete 

assistant choreographer

Zsolt Molnár 

projection designer

Virág Pázmány 

director, choreographer

Balázs Vincze

Photo gallery
Szilvia Csibi, Müpa
© Szilvia Csibi, Müpa
Szilvia Csibi, Müpa
© Szilvia Csibi, Müpa

Palace of Arts Müpa Budapest

When Müpa Budapest, Hungary and its capital's new cultural hub, opened in 2005, it was built to represent more than 100 years of Hungarian cultural history. As a conglomeration of cultural venues, the building has no precedent in 20th century Hungarian architecture and has no peers in the whole of Central Europe.

The creators of this ambitious project, the Trigránit Development Corporation, prime contractor Arcadom Construction and the Zoboki, Demeter and Partners Architectural Office, were driven by the desire to create a new European cultural citadel as part of the new Millennium City Centre complex along the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Danube waterfront. The result is a facility whose construction quality, appearance, functionality and 21st century technological infrastructure makes it ideally suited to productions of the highest standard. The building is also highly versatile and equipped to host performances of any genre and almost any scale.

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